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Am I an Earth Angel?

Du möchtest wissen,
ob Du ein ErdenEngel bist?

Hier ist der ErdenEngel-Test für Dich. Beantworte bitte die folgenden Fragen und markiere diejenigen, die Du mit "Ja" beantworten kannst. Ich, Sigrun, freue mich darauf, Dir persönlich (telefonisch) Dein Ergebnis mitzuteilen. Zur absoluten Sicherheit können wir auch Dein "Höheres Selbst" bei dieser Gelegenheit befragen. Dieses Gespräch ist selbstverständlich kostenlos und unverbindlich für Dich.

Ich freue mich auf Deine Nachricht und Deinen ausgefüllten Test!

Herzliche Grüße

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As an earth angel, it is difficult for you to act against your feelings. That's why you should learn to use your abilities consciously in order to get into your strength. If you do that, then you will no longer feel so helpless and at the mercy. Your weaknesses then become your strengths. Your sensitivity and empathy is one of your greatest strengths if you learn to use it consciously.

You should work with your healing angelic power, because that corresponds to your basic energy. That is why it would make sense if you, as an earth angel, were given tools so that you could use your abilities and talents for the benefit of other people. What distinguishes you as an earth angel from many other beings are your angel wings. As already mentioned, the wings also have powers that you are unfortunately not aware of.

When you learn to use your angel wings again, you will experience healing yourself. Because angels can fly through space and time. Angels are not bound by the limitations of space and time, which is why you, as an earth angel, have very great mediumistic abilities. Earth angels are very good healing and helping coaches who can also heal karmas and grasp extensive connections. Their radius reaches very far.

Angels can perform miracles, even in human form!

Dear Earth Angel,

You were born on earth and often feel lost here.

Use your wings, because they will take you to other spheres and 

as a result, a lot will change clarify for you in your life.

Learn to fly and take off

this will help you regain your strength!

                                                                      Sigrun Ender

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