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Welcome in

Earth Angel Portal

Are you an earth angel?

Do you ask yourself whether you are an earth angel?

Are you looking for a deeper meaning in your life?

Or are you looking for your calling?


On this platform you will find everything about the Earth Angels. You will also find all dates relating to earth angels and heavenly messages from the angels. If you are looking for an ErdenEngel coach in your area, trained ErdenEngel coaches from Germany and Switzerland will be happy to assist you. With their complex experiences and their knowledge, they will support and accompany you from the bottom of their hearts. It is her calling to use her skills and gifts for others. Would you like an earth angel coaching? Would you like to enlist the help of angelic power? 


Vom Himmel auserkoren,
bist Du auf der Erde geboren.
Es ist an der Zeit, 
wenn der Ruf des Himmels Dich erreicht.
Lass die Flügel für Dich walten 
und beginne, Dich zu entfalten.
Erkenne wieder, wer Du bist,
denn Du trägst das Engelslicht.
Lieber ErdenEngel, es ist so weit,
trete wieder ein in Dein Engelskleid.
Entfalte Deine Flügel und

gehe in Deine Macht,
so findest Du zu Deiner wahren Pracht!

Sigrun Ender

When we humans perceive the angels, we enter another world.

But when we realize that we ourselves are an angel,

then we enter our inner world.

There we find our abilities and gifts that we thought we had lost.

There we find our potential to get into our creative power.

A world opens up that we never thought existed.

Sigrun Ender

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Upcoming events

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"Joy, joy, joy" -



Your podcast for your spiritual and personal development.


training to


Earth Angel Coach ®

Are you an earth angel? 


Do you want more


learn about light souls?

Are you a crystal child, a star child etc.?


Coach login area

Internal Area: 

for all Earth Angel Coaches of the Earth Angel Portal

Earth Angel Test

What are Earth Angels?

Earthengel and ​her mission

Tips for Earth Angels

Information about Earth Angels

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